Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The Blank Page

Are you a writer? If so, you understand procrastination. I believe Cameron Crowe said, " no one faces the blank page like a writer." I would add to that, "there's nothing a writer would rather do than not face a blank page." In a roundabout way, I could claim to be the rightful heir to the kingdom of procrastination because I've managed to delay (put off, avoid) my updated version of "1,001 Arabian Nights" for eight years now.

No, no, don't look at my script...now you've done it, it's coming this way!

"Look...no honey, yes honey, I've been meaning to add a couple of pages...it's just that...I've been, uh, busy."

You get the idea.

I've been casual blog reader going back
to http://seemaxrun.com/home.htm in 1999 and the blog has struck me as a medium with a wonderful upside for writers in terms of creativity. A blog can be the mental equivalent of a gym, keeping the writing mind in shape. The writer can express things both profound and things that belong in the file that is circular and round.

I hope that this experience will be akin to that of Steven Soderbergh when he did a quirky film called "Schizopolis." He got a lot out of his system and expelled his frustration with the movie industry and film in general. After that experiment, he went on to "Out of Sight" and "The Limey." Which in my book would be pure heaven in terms of where I would like to go.



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