Saturday, December 01, 2007
About Me
- Name: Writeprocrastinator
- Location: San Francisco, California
"Cormac Brown" is my pen name. I'm an up-and-slumming writer in the city of Saint Francis, and I'm following in the footsteps of Hammett...minus the TB and working for the Pinkerton Agency. I've had stories posted on Flashing In the Gutters, Powder Burn Flash, Six Sentences, Astonishing Adventures Magazine, Crooked Magazine, Needle Magazine, Dark Valentine Magazine, and Beat To A Pulp.
Previous Posts
- Sixty-Seven Ways Not To Be Like Me
- Oh, Swell
- Yeah, Uh, Well...
- Procrastinators Can't Be Choosers
- Um, Maybe I'll Be Back A Whole Lot Later
- I'll Be Back
- I'd Comment, Honest.
- Blogging Summit, West Coast-Style or When West Mee...
- Tune In Tomorrow
- "Cool Air"

oh, that seriously took my wig off. beautifully written.
Ain't it, though?
you guy you.
see what happens when i get interwebs back... i find this stuff.
now, you made me all teary.
we are so going to bond when you get to nyc or i go to the state that will make my house in utah beachfront property one day.
"you guy you."
It wasn't me, I was framed!
"now, you made me all teary."
Please don't throw something at me. You're going to throw something at me, aren't you? The Missus always says the exact same thing before she throws something at me.
"we are so going to bond when you get to nyc or i go to the state that will make my house in utah beachfront property one day."
We will bond, then you won't return my emails like everyone else.
Oh and uh, one more time (and this goes for everybody else, too). If California falls into the Pacific? Nevada will be the Beachfront State and the Californian portion of the Sierra Nevada Mountains will still be there.
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