Thursday, July 20, 2006

No, I Didn't Meet A Girl Named "Maria"

I am proud of my calluses, though they used to hold more weight. I've had them since sixteen and back then, it meant you were a man if you were blue collar. Now, not so much.

At any rate, the only reason why I'm here posting tonight is "Dynasty Warriors 5: Empires" has finally done its worst to me. My video game callus (no, it's not named "Maria") on my left thumb is on the verge of turning into a blister and they'll be no video games for the next thirty-six hours or so.

So here is a quasi-post with a fun link that the Missus sent to me today

Click your mouse and it will change colors.



Blogger Katie Schwartz said...

finally! for the love of god.

can you please read this to my dear friend, callous:

hi callous, katie here. I just wanted to thank you for sprouting with the ferver you did. but for you, we wouldn't have a post! albeit brief, but always dark and funny.

I really appreciate your arrival. I just want you to know that, even if you are being cursed out every 5 minutes by WP.

I care about you. you mean something to me.

love, love, LOVE the pollack url.

Thu Jul 20, 10:44:00 PM PDT  
Blogger haahnster said...

Great link!

And welcome back to the world of posting on your blog. I would insert an obligatory "procrastination" joke, but it's been a long week and my morning coffee hasn't really kicked in yet.

Fri Jul 21, 06:21:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Cup said...

Love the Pollock! Now I have something fun to waste away the Friday workday ...

Fri Jul 21, 08:06:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Cup said...

P.S. to the Missus: Just posted the Pollock link on my page, too.

Fri Jul 21, 08:17:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Writeprocrastinator said...


Callous has no friends, save Schwarzaharnold because they have so much in common. YOU, however, are a dear friend. Glad you digs the Pollack.


Everyone can throw in the procrastination joke, I set myself up for that. My "morning coffee" never kicks in, but bacon sends my blood pressure over the moon, when I haven't had enough sleep.

Fri Jul 21, 09:57:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Writeprocrastinator said...


This one is fun, but it doesn't have the same appeal to me as sternest does. I'll let the Missus know and I'll know she'll be happy, this is the closest she's come to blogging in months.

Fri Jul 21, 09:59:00 AM PDT  
Blogger AngelConradie said...

i got a blister from sharpening pencils a couple of times... but never from playing games!

Fri Jul 21, 04:20:00 PM PDT  
Blogger AngelConradie said...

love the link dude- i posted it on my blog too!

Fri Jul 21, 04:26:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Writeprocrastinator said...


Well, first you have to play the games for hours on end. Kinda hard to do when you're raising Damien on your own. I pass the torch over here to the Missus.

Then, you should be a game veteran of over two decades and you have to get over that inital threshold of pain.

Glad you like the link.

Fri Jul 21, 11:06:00 PM PDT  

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