Monday, March 20, 2006

The Critics Are Unanimous

Here is what the critics have to say about Write Procrastinator!

His reviews of “Hoodwinked” and “Night Watch” mark a new voice in film criticism. Now will you stop blocking my driveway? I’m already late for an appointment!
-Roger Ebert

Huh? What? “Wily...Protractor?”
-Jessica Simpson

Both as a screenwriter and an author, Write Procrastinator is a rising force in literature that is to be reckoned with. There you have your stupid quote, now give me back my Hummel figures, you bastard!
-Joyce Carol Oates

I laughed! I cried! I laughed because, is this the drivel that passes for humor on the Internet? I cried, because he plucked my moustache off with a pair of rusty pliers!
-Gene Shalit

Write Procrastinator? That bastard owes me $2,500! Cal Berkeley didn’t win or cover the spread in the NCAA’s! You tell him to stop sending scripts to my house and that he better pay up or I’ll have James Caan go Sonny Corleone on his ass with not one, but two garbage cans!
-Francis Ford Coppola

Write Procrastinator? He is a clown, but he doesn’t amuse me.
-Joe Pesci

More like “Not Quite Right Procrastinator,” the boy ain’t right in the head!
-Dr. Phil

Don’t talk to me about him. I gave him fifty dollars and the keys to my Porsche to get us some Thai food and I haven’t seen him since.
-Quentin Tarantino

So it’s unanimous! Write Procrastinator is a wily protractor of a bastard blogger that owes people money! Write Procrastinator! Coming to a blog near you and this time, it’s personal!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are in quite the upper echelons of esteemed company.... Dr Phil... wow

Thu Mar 23, 05:09:00 AM PST  

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