"Everybody Got Their Something"
I have a ridiculous shampoo commercial to thank for pushing one of her songs into the forefront of my conscious mind when the ad finally played a few verses clearly enough for me to Google them. This song, "Everybody Got Their Something" made such an impression on me from a musical and misheard lyrical standpoint, that I actually wrote twenty pages of a screenplay from just one hearing.
ABC was using this song to pimp "Desperate Housewives" and I heard the lyrics as
Everybody's talking
Everybody's talking.
It's one of the best songs I heard last year, yet it couldn't win me over in terms of watching the show. Right or wrong, I've dismissed "Housewives" without watching an episode, as "Melrose Place." I got three seasons into the latter before I realized it was rotting my brain from the inside out.
The correct lyrics are
Everybody got their something
Everbody got there something.
"Their/there" is intentional, I doublechecked the lyrics in the liner notes. The lyrics could've been
Everybody go duck hunting
Everybody baby-bunting
and I wouldn't care, the song is that damn funky.
Musically, it's like she blended Boz Skagg's "Miss Sun" along with Ray Parker's former group Raydio's monster instrumental "For Those Who Like to Groove."
Don't take my word for it, listen here
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B00005B0S6/qid=1133291559/sr=2-2/ref=pd_bbs_b_2_2/104-7890308-5731935?v=glance&s=music and beware if you love late 70's funk 'cause you ain't gonna be able to get it out of your head!
And no, I'm not really playing it quite as loud as that schlemiel in your neighborhood who rattles your windows with his car stereo that costs three times as much as his car. But yes, the neigbors downstairs are taking a broom and everything else to their ceiling....ahhh, the things you put with for rent control.
There's a time for every star
There's a time for every star