Not Quite S.A.B. II
I would call it a "Group Twinkie." It is enjoyable when viewed with a big audience, some of the jokes are enhanced with a real life laugh-track and I had forgotten half of the movie by the time we got to the parking lot. The outtakes of the Tom Cruise-YouTube spoof were funnier than the ones left in the flick. Becky, you'll appreciate those more than anyone. Rent it just for the outtakes, if nothing else.
At any rate, the co-star of the flick created another "Not Quite Separated At Birth." So here we go and please try to follow my convoluted logic...
Here is Kate Bosworth, right?
Here is Reese Witherspoon, okay?
Easy enough. Now comes the stumper...

Here is Sara Paxton from "Superhero Movie." Now, is she "Sara Bosworth?" Or is she "Sara Witherspoon?" We need some answers here, people! Get M.I.T. up and running on it!
Labels: Is Sara Paxton a lost Bosworth (comma) or a lost Witherspoon?, Not Quite Separated At Birth