Of this post, the Editor JDC asks, you aren't related to this guy are you?
Hells (sic) no! I was rockin' the "Jimi Hendrix" hair since birth, while Mr. Pead a.k.a. "Yahoo Serious" was still sporting a crew cut in New South Wales.

In high school, I had either of these two "Warrior" hairstyles.

Forget condoms, the pill, diaphragms or IUD's. In an affluent Reagan era white suburb, these two hairstyles, no car and no job were all I needed for birth control.
100% effective, don't you know? And you can't say that about all the other methods. So now I have the "Shik*m*ru."
I took the two letters "a" out of that name, we don't want the kids popping over here when they are searching for characters from their favorite show. So now I just put my hair up and it is short enough on the sides that I got a wife out of it. I can't say that about the other hairstyles.